Dear Uma Maheswari
I do not intend to address you as The Mother of my Life here, rather- from one selfmade woman to another (perhaps through the absolute support of the latter).
I have created testimonials for the rest of the people I know when I should have made one in your name already, But here it is now, right by the changing times for you.
You have always known where you oughta place your own resource at yet you have never made the leap for it. In my thoughts, you must have been looking for a telling roadsign to make a leap on. Now that you have it, in your face, I truly wish you lead yourself through to its destination.
You check out as the leadlady in circles of home and work, though I hope now that you seek to expand this scope beyond it all.
I certainly realize this is a Man’s World! Nonetheless I have seen a source of feminism maximise itself in you. To say, you’re the Superwoman I know. I imagine for the World to see it some day too. Please go for it, for the girls to come after us.
PS: Nolite te bastardes carborundorum & Grab your power (as Beyoncé says)